McElroy Metal Residential Metal Roofing offers homeowners a wide variety of style and options to meet most any budget and style of home. Homeowners can select from both exposed fastener and concealed fastener panel systems.

Exposed Fastener Panels

Max-Rib exposed fastener metal roofingExposed fastener panels are the most economical option and are typically installed over solid decking (or existing shingle and furring strips for re-roof applications) and are attached with fasteners that penetrate through the metal panel into the structure below. Fasteners are available painted in the same color as the panel to make them visually less apparent. Max-Rib and 5V are two popular exposed fastener panels.

5V & Max-Rib

Max-Rib exposed fastener metal roofing5V is a popular exposed-fastener panel, particularly along beaches and resort areas.  The design often reminds homeowners of classic Key West bungalows, which adds to its popularity along coastal areas.  

Max-Rib exposed fastener metal roofingMax-Rib is a low profile (3/4") panel that is ideal for residential applications. Nine-inch on center major ribs offer an aesthetic trait that will add curb appeal to any home.

Concealed Fastener Panels

Concealed fastener panels are joined together by integral locking seams and are fastened to the deck with fasteners and/or clips that are hidden underneath the roofing panels. Meridian and Medallion-Lok are two common concealed fastened panels.

concealed fastener metal roofing

Meridian panels are simply attached to the roof deck with pancake head fasteners. Medallion-Lok panels are attached via a clip system. Both systems are most common in 16” widths, which provide an attractive linear appeal to a residence. 

Milan concealed fastener metal roofing

Milan is another concealed fastener option that is not a standing seam panel. Rather, Milan is a steel shingle that adds beauty and curb appeal to any home or business. Milan provides the aesthetic appearance of shingles, slate, or shake with all the benefits of metal. 

Are There Any Benefits to One Versus the Other?

Cost is the primary benefit of exposed fastener panels. Panels are usually a lighter gauge (often 29 gauge), 36” wide and easier/quicker to install. So, homeowners can take advantage of all the benefits of a metal roof at a more economical price point.

Concealed fastener panels are typically standing seam profiles and feature 26 or 24 gauge steel. Although a higher cost, some homeowners prefer the appearance of standing seam roofing and the fact that there are not any visible fasteners.

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