Mirage, PBU, U-panel declared compliant and safe for use as metal roofing

McElroy Metal received a Uniform Evaluation Service (UES) Evaluation Report declaring the company’s Mirage Panel, PBU Panel, and U-Panel have all been evaluated for use as metal roof panels in compliance with Section 1507.4 of the International Building Code and Section R905.10 of the International Residential Code.

mirage-ii metal roofing panelsThe structural, weather resistance and fire performance properties of these metal roof panels have been evaluated for compliance with the IBC and IRC, when installed to the manufacturer’s published installation guidelines.

Mirage - West Coast Storage Metal Roof"Our customers require that we have our products evaluated to make their submittal process go much smoother," says Tommy Johnson, Director of Engineering for McElroy Metal. “Having the IAPMO (International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials) Report helps us achieve an important part of our mission statement to be the 'easiest metal products company to do business with.’ The IAPMO reports are trusted and depended upon by architects and building officials. They know when an IAPMO report has been issued on a product, that product has undergone the scrutiny of the most rigorous design and testing standards and is in complete compliance with the building code.”

Click here to view the complete report.  

Low Slope Metal Roofing Applications

Mirage and Mirage II are popular metal roofing solutions for low slope applications such as mini- storage facilities. These concealed fastener metal roofing panels are designed with 8 inch on-center major ribs. Mirage ribs are 1 5/8" and Mirage II ribs are 1 3/4" high.

Either type of Mirage panel can be placed over solid deck or sub-structural components. These panels require a McElroy Metal applied sealant if the roof slope is less than 3:12. But, Mirage panels can be installed on slopes down to 1/4:12 sloped roofs.

Common applications include mini-storage units where shorter panel lengths are needed.

U Panel

U-Panel is an exposed fastened wall and roof panel. With a ¾” (approximate) rib height and 6” on center rib spacing, U-panel offers a lower profile and softer appearance than R-Panel or Multi-Rib. U-Panel is widely utilized as a liner panel or partition wall for mini-storage applications.

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