According to recent estimates, Florida’s population will grow beyond 22 million by 2022 and could grow toward 26 million by 2030. Other reports indicate that more than 900 people move to Florida every day. Seven of the 42 metro areas where new home construction is booming are located in Florida.

are-metal-roofs-good-in-floridaAre you considering a move to Florida? Regardless of whether you look to build a new home or buy an existing one, your choice of roof material is always important.

If you drive around Florida, especially on the coasts, you will see for yourself that metal roofs are gaining in popularity. Here are several reasons why:

1. Metal roofs stand up to adverse weather conditions.

Metal roofing consistently outperforms shingles when it comes to resisting harsh elements. In addition to being fire and hail-resistant, metal roofs are also effective against extreme winds. Properly engineered and installed, Metal roofs can perform extremely well in a hurricane and tropical storm conditions.

Many insurance companies recognize the durability of metal roofing, offering discounts for structures with metal roofs.

2. Metal roofs are a great host for solar panels.

It’s no secret that solar energy is easy to come by in the Sunshine State. Metal roofing and solar are perfectly suited for each other. One reason is that solar panels are easy to install on metal roofing. Another is that both products have long life spans. Solar panels typically have warranties that span 20-25 years, so they could easily outlast a typical shingle roof. Metal roofs can last 50 years or more.

3. Metal roofs are energy efficient.

Along with all that sunshine comes the cost of cooling. Metal roofing offers homeowners a considerable advantage in terms of energy consumption. Cool roof pigments applied to metal roofing are highly reflective and reduce the absorption of heat compared to shingles. Above sheathing ventilation (ASV) adds ventilated airspace to metal roofs that allows heat energy to escape into the atmosphere.

Homeowners in FL with highly reflective metal roofs will save on their electricity bills.

4. Metal roofs fit with the Florida aesthetic.

Metal roofing is available in a variety of aesthetically pleasing designs that can heighten the curb appeal of any home. In addition to conventional panels, there are several styles that are virtually indistinguishable from conventional tile and shingles. There are even metal roofing panels that look like clay tile and Spanish tile, popular roofing styles in Florida. Metal roofing is available in a wide array of colors as well, making it easy to find an option that best suits any style of home.

5. Metal roofs are more sustainable and make less of an environmental impact than shingle

Metal roofing has a high recycled content which means it helps reduce landfill pressure instead of adding to it like asphalt shingles.

While it can be done, recycling shingles is much less common than recycling metal. Consequently, worn-out shingles typically end up in landfills. Many local landfills have more shingles than they care to accept and charge exorbitant fees to discard them.

6. Metal roofs last longer than other roof types

Metal roofing is durable and routinely lasts 2-4 times longer than shingles. In fact, a metal roof can last over 50 years!

See this article for an in-depth analysis of metal roof life - What is the Life Expectancy of a Metal Roof?

7. Metal roofs offer lower life-cycle costs

When homeowners look at roof costs through the lens of the total roof life cycle instead of just the first costs of the roof, the true value of metal roofing is clear. The higher first cost metal roof products become the lower-priced option once the shorter life expectancy, tear off, and replacement costs for shingle roofs are included in the life cycle cost equation.

Please read this article for a detailed analysis of roofing costs over the life of the home - How Much Does a Metal Roof Cost Compared to Shingles?

What to Learn More?

Learn more about metal roofing for your home by visiting our Residential Metal Roofing overview. You may also be interested in downloading our Residential Metal Roofing Guide. If you have any questions, please contact us or locate a distributor or contractor in your area.

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