A Peek Inside... McElroy Metal

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Posted by McElroy Metal ● Mar 20, 2023 3:22:55 PM

Personnel Changes at McElroy Metal

After 38 years with McElroy Metal, Mark Lawson recently retired as our Vice President of Sales. Scott Slone, who was previously our Midwest Sales Manager, has assumed Mark’s duties. Scott can be reached via email sslone@mcelroymetal.com.

Scott Sloan

                              Senior Director of Sales - Scott Slone

 Shawn Gearheart, our former Sales Manager for the Northeast has assumed responsibilities for the Midwest Sales Region. Shawn can be reached via email sgearheart@mcelroymetal.com.

Shwn Gearheart

   Shawn Gearheart-Midwest Sales Manager

 Kathi Miller is now filling the role of our Director of Marketing & Sales Training. Please feel free to reach out to Kathi via email to kmiller@mcelroymetal.com for any marketing related topics, to share job photos etc.


     Kathi Miller-Director of Marketing & Sales Training

In Customer Service area, Sharon Strickland transitioned to the newly created Product Specialist Manager position and is responsible to strategically support the growth of multiple products, especially Insulated Metal Panels. Amanda Sweet has assumed the vacant Commercial Customer Service Manager position while LaShonda Hamilton was promoted to the Retail Customer Service Manager position that opened once Amanda transferred. They can each respectively be reached via email at sstrickland@mcelroymetal.com, asweet@mcelroymetal.com, and lhamilton@mcelroymetal.com.

SharonAmanda SweetLaDhonda Hamilton

                  Sharon Strickland                                  Amanda Sweet                 LaShonda Hamilton

          Product Specialist Manager                  Commercial CS Manager          Retail CS Manager

Employment at McElroy Metal

McElroy Metal’s success over the years is largely attributed to the talented and dedicated employees across the country. McElroy Metal’s extensive footprint of locations and distinct business units offer employment candidates a wide variety of fulfilling options such as manufacturing, customer service, retail and corporate positions.

Topics: McElroy Metal Employee

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