A Peek Inside... McElroy Metal

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Posted by McElroy Metal ● Jul 8, 2022 2:54:03 PM

Peachtree City Celebrates 30+ Year Work Anniversaries

The Peachtree City Team honored three co-workers that each have over 30 years of employment with McElroy Metal. Congratulations to Sanford Freeman, Randy Carter and Sterling Smith. These three gentleman have been with McElroy for 33, 35 and 33 years respectively!

Peachtree team - anniversary celebrationStanding by the cake, left to right is Sanford, Randy and Sterling

John Sanford Randy and SterlingJohn Frejik, Operations Manager with Sanford, Randy and Sterling. Each received a plaque honoring their years of service.

Tom Sickman - GrillmasterGrill Master Tom at work!

Peachtree Picnic Table Peachtree lunch line - anniversary celebration

Lunch was enjoyed by all.

Sanford Freeman - John F Peachtree Randy Carter Peachtree Sterling - Peachtree



Employment at McElroy Metal

McElroy Metal’s success over the years is largely attributed to the talented and dedicated employees across the country. McElroy Metal’s extensive footprint of locations and distinct business units offer employment candidates a wide variety of fulfilling options such as manufacturing, customer service, retail and corporate positions.

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