Metal Roofing Contractors Blog

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    A commercial roof recover or replacement is an opportunity for contractors to provide building owners with a new, longer...

    There are literally thousands of existing metal roofing systems, many up to 50 to 60 years old, which need replacement....

    When it comes time to replace a commercial roof, building owners have two primary options - remove and replace the existing...

    Recently Roofers Coffee Shop recorded a podcast with our very own Charlie Smith talking about roof recover systems using...

    When you are making a presentation to any prospective customer interested in a metal-over-metal retrofit roof project, be...

    When choosing to recover a pre-engineered metal building roof, it is important to select the correct roofing recover system....

    Pre-engineered metal building systems have been a preferred construction method for industrial applications for well over 50...

    A commercial roof recover or replacement is an opportunity for building owners to not only get a new, more durable roof...

    Most roofs need to be replaced at some point. If faced with the need to replace or retrofit a roof, you need to know the...

    Initial lower cost and speed of erection are two of the primary reasons that building owners select pre-engineered metal...